Economical and financial Check Up
It is a service dedicated to companies wishing to verify, through the use of the technical-scientific best practices, the state of health of their company.
The consultancy is carried out through the economic, patrimonial and financial analysis of the historical budgets.
The objective is twofold:
- On the one hand, giving the entrepreneur greater awareness of the real situation of the company, especially in the financial aspect (thanks to the detailed analysis on the main indices);
- On the other hand, improve relations with the stakeholders of the company, and in particular with the banks.
The check-up also provides useful information about the company’s real value generation capability.
Consulting tool required before contacting external lenders
The service consists of measuring and evaluating the company’s economic and financial performance.
The economic and capital analysis of the balance sheet, as well as the main indices, is the starting point of a process oriented to assess the quality, performance and sustainability of the company’s financial flows, real elements of creation and dissemination of the Value.

The information provided allows management to:
- individuare elementi di forza e di debolezza, criticità e minacce;
- avere un feedback quali-quantitativo a supporto delle proprie decisioni;
- implementare un’efficace reportistica per consolidare i rapporti con i principali stakeholders dell’impresa;
- gestire con più efficacia e consapevolezza i rapporti con gli intermediari finanziari;